Our Story

Our story is probably very much like you're story. If you made it to this website, it's very likely you now have, may have had, or are very close to someone who has a dog or cat.

For me, it started with a cat named Calico. Then there was a Pomeranian named Heidi, the Boston terrier named Annie,  the two gray tabby cats named Amber and Alexis, the Labradoodle named Sadie and a Lab/mix named Cody.

All unique, each with a different kind of personality, energy and love that could only be understood if you knew them.

Much like the pets you have, they have played such an amazing part of our lives. We wish we could have them forever. Too often they leave us too soon.

Buster's Buster Holistic Pet Treats was born out of a love for animals. It's our mission to help them have the longest, healthiest life possible. We are committed to providing products for your pets that will help give them vitality and longevity so their best life with us, and the happiness they bring will be felt for as long as possible.

Some of our family dogs . . .












Paul Horst lives in the Bay Area of California and is the creator of Buster's Butler Holistic Pet Treats and the author of the Buster's Butler Adventure books for kids. He can regularly be found at a Farmers Market giving away great pet treats and meeting new furry friends. Paul says, "Thanks for being a loyal Buster's Buster customer, and if you're not yet a customer, your pet is in for a treat!"

We love to hear your comments, suggestions and feedback. We can be reached though the Contact Us link or by emailing us directly at info@bustersbutler.com